vineri, 4 octombrie 2013

Laser hair removal and skin care products

If you feel like you want to get rid of your bodily hair once and for all you should think about using a laser treatment. Before you make any kind of decision make sure you are well informed. You don’t want to make thins kind of decision without begin fully aware of the effects. You should think about what you want to obtain from this technique and if you will get it. There is some basic information you should be aware f before you go for the treatment. But even if you think you know about the matter, you should still go to a technician that can actually inform you. No matter how much you read about it you will certainly feel a lot more secure if you discuss with and expert. The main thing you should know is that the tone of your skin is very important for the effectiveness of the treatment. Those who have dark skin are prone to feel more pain, and have results that don’t meet their requirements. This is because the laser is programmed to use the contrast between the hair and the skin in order to locate the hair roots. If the skin is dark then the contrast is not that big. What this means is that the laser will not give you the results you expect from it. This is also the reason why you should not tan before begging the sessions. You should use sun screen and avoid the sun as much as possible. The paler your skin is the better results you will see. You should also avoid tanning after the sessions. You want to keep your skin as safe as possible. After the laser you might feel it a bit irritated or sensible. You don’t want to aggravate that by being in the sun. You should also do some research about the skin care products you should use. Make sure you have high quality products that will intensify the results.


If you are interested in finding out more about laser hair removal and laser skincare you should look online for a list of clinics. The best thing you can do is to contact them and find out more about their services directly from them. You should know that every clinic offers different services so in order to pick one that suits you and your needs you should research a little bit. There are details that are in general the same no matter the clinic. For instance, those who have pale skin tone and dark hair are the perfect type of people for this procedure. What this means is that usually for them, this technique is a lot more effective. You should consider this information, especially if you have a dark skin tone. Those with darker skin tones will have less effective results, and will experience more pain. The laser is programmed in such manner that is more effective on people with pale skin tone. It targets dark spots in the skin, these being the hair roots. If you have a darker skin tone, and lower contrast between the hair and the skin, this technique will not be that effective. This kind of technique requires several sessions. If you thought that it is enough only one session you are wrong. The laser will find the hair root. The root will absorb the light that will transform into heat. Because of the heat, the root will be destroyed and the hair will no longer grow. Before the procedure begins the patient should receive special glasses and a robe. Ask about these details before you choose the clinic where you want your hair removed. You want to find something that offers high quality services. Ask about what kind of gel they using and research about it. You just have to make sure you get the best possible laser skincare there is.

Laser hair removal and post laser care

As a woman you know how much you have to endure in the name of beauty. You know how painful waxing is. This is the reason you should know you have alternatives. You should not settle for pain so you can have hair free skin. If you want to have the freedom of not caring about hair removal and you want to spend a painless summer you should think about this kind of solution. Think about being around pool all day long, most days. You will not have to think about your ingrown hairs o any other type of problem that includes hair. You should also think about the red area that will probably swell after the waking. You want to avoid that as it is highly unaesthetic. Look for a clinic and a technician that could help you with your problem. You should know that there are many types of people when it comes to hair removal. Most of the times those who have pale skin and dark hair are the ones that will benefit the most out of it. Make sure you address any concerns you have to your doctor or technician. Even if you are not included into this category you might still be able to benefit from the advantages of this technique. Usually the laser is programmed to target dark areas such as hair roots. This is the reason those who have pale skin and dark hair are the perfect type for this procedure. The stronger the contrast between hair and skin is the better. It will be a lot more effective for these people. When the skin is darker there are some problems with the effectives of the treatment. The laser will not be able to proper distinguish between hair and skin. This is the reason the laser is less effective for darker people. So if you choose to approach the problem this way, look for a good clinic and high quality post laser care .